Sunday, September 14, 2008

life hasn't turned out as planned.

I was reading an article from the Ensign and felt it applied well for me.

Mary N. Cook, “Looking to the Lord,” Ensign, Sep 2008, 62–64

I always thought that by now I would be married and with at least 3 children. Because I am not there yet, at times it has been hard to trust in the Lord. Yet I have had many amazing experiences that have taught me so much. Through obedience I have learned to trust the Lord. I know that he knows what is best for me. It is still hard at times, because my desire to be married and have a family of my own is so strong. I was told to start looking from the time I got home from a mission. I was told I would be inspired to know who is right for me. Though hard at times, I am determined to follow that inspiration. Many times I have wanted to date someone but forbidden by the spirit. I think following inspiration to date someone is even harder. What do I do if she rejects me or isn't so sure about me. My life has been amazing. I have learned so much and I am so grateful to the Lord for all the experiences I have had.